Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Everyday = Opportunity

I Wanna Know
by Jayson Hill

I will give You
My Commitment
To pursue You
Pushing away, everything I hold
Laying it all down
Just to know You more
I am undone
Put me back together
Because I need to know
To know You more (I wanna know)

I wanna know You more today
More than I knew You yesterday
Jesus I'm running to You
Opened arms surrendered
I will give You all of me
Just to be a apart of Your promise
That You will come to those who seek
I wanna know...

You have given me
Your promise that
That if I seek Your face
I would find You
And now I know... what Your plan is:
To make me look like You
Walk like You
I wanna talk like You
Jesus I wanna know

'Cause You have taken my pain
And You have taken my shame
You have suffered in my place
And I...
I wanna know

And now I know!!!

Everyday is an opportunity for us to draw closer, climb higher, go further, sink deeper in love with God. To know Him, encounter Him, see Him, hear Him, touch him, experience Him at a greater level than that was of yesterday.
Inspired by Jayson Hill's song and what he said regarding the revelation behind it, I quote, "Yesterday is only a stepping-stone to a better today. When His mercy rises daily with the sun, and we are given a clean slate for a new day, If we're seeking Him, His Spirit reveals that there are places so much deeper He wants to bring us, more wisdom to make us much wiser, more power to be even stronger, strength to be more pure, vision to dream so much larger, love to love so much more, resolve to deny sin one more time... I could go on with the many things that He offers those that will just receive... TODAY!!".

Isn't God amazing? That everytime we seek Him and encounter Him we are never left the same. Everyone that Jesus met left changed, transformed, different and everyone wanted that. God is limitless, He goes beyond our understanding, reasoning and logic that is why it is impossible to understand Him.

If that same God who can do all that, lives in me and has conquered death so that I can live in the same (and greater measure) as Jesus did on earth, I want to live like that.

For the price of it, its a steal of a deal.

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